Included: -Resource folder must be copied into the project's resource folder -"Rush Notes V3.fsml" must be placed into the scripts folder for the appropriate difficulty -Three example parameters can be placed into your PPD/preset_parameters folder To create a rush note: Add the parameter "Rushnote" to the note with a value equal to the number of 24th beats in the duration. There is an example of this in the zip file. If you want the rush to last for 2 measures/bars in the editor, then you add/edit the value of the parameter to be "24" (2x12) If you want the rush to last for 8 measures, then you set the value to "96" (8x12) This was chosen to allow rush notes in 4/4, 3/4, and 6/4 timings. You will need to use the "Properties" pane of the editor to easily make this change. I personally use one of the default parameters for 1 or 2 bars to create the parameter name correctly and then manually edit the value as needed. ---------- There are two further optional parameters which can be set: "Rushscale" which affects how large a note is allowed to grow (Default is 2x base size) "Rushbpm" which affects the calculations for how long the rush note should last. This was added for use in charts with multiple/frequent BPM changes to correct for errors. Again, this value needs to be edited manually as the example is for "150' Normally the timing/duration calculations work based on the "targetbpm" of the chart, but Rushbpm overrides this to use a flat value if you are experiencing errors with timing. If you do not set this, it will default to using the targetbpm set via eventmanager. ----------- You can also edit the script to change the number of points awarded per press of a Rush note. This is defaulted to 180 but feel free to use whatever you want. ----------- [user_img ID:483] [user_img ID:484] -----------Internals For those curious how this works internally: 1> When a note is in "appear" state, the parameter is checked. 2> If the parameter exists, an array is created with various note information (Note type, duration calculated from BPM/parameter, etc) 3> An ETD image of "Rush" colored based on the note's type is attached to the note 4> When the note is evaluated for cool/fine, the ETD is removed and replaced with a new ETD of a note as well as the "Rush" wording. A second ETD is created with the clock hand 5> The game then toggles to "rush" mode by flipping a boolean value. This mode listens for key presses based on the note type from the array created in step 2 and triggers a stopwatch 6> Per matching key press, points are awarded and the scale of the "rush" ETD is increased. The clock hand also rotates based on timing data from the same array built in part 2 (Stopwatch time elapsed vs total duration, turned into radians 7> When the stopwatch value exceeds the duration (or another rush zone is triggered), a "Pop" sound effect is played and the ETDs for the rush note and the clock…
2022-01-09 19:47:42 投稿
To use the skin you need to download and activate 新ACSkinFT. The zip includes a 2B and a 9S version. You have to deactivate one to use the other. Thanks for downloading! Also special thanks to Blizzin for scripting help in the past. Preview:
2021-09-12 05:59:32 投稿
ACSkin(old) của KHC... được upload lại bởi KyonKhiem (me) cho những ai máy yếu có thể dùng để giảm lag nếu cần (bản mod rất có thể sẽ bị KHC xóa)
2021-08-24 21:48:21 投稿
CSinputを独自に改造したスクリプトとModです。 These are a script and mod modified from CSinput. MODを有効にするか、譜面にこのスクリプトを埋め込んだ場合、 十字キーで〇×△□が取れるようになり、△□で左スライダー、×〇で右スライダーが取れるようになります。 If you enable this mod or add it in your chart, You can take notes with Cross keys, take left slider with triangle and square, and take left slider with cross and circle. パッドプレイヤーがスコアを記録できるように通常のCSInputスクリプトを譜面に加えた場合、 △でスライダーが取れなくなりキーボードプレイヤーが混乱するので、 このスクリプトを導入すればパッドでもキーボードでも違和感なくプレイできます。 If normal CSinput were included in charts, Keyboard players would be confused because they couldn't take left slider with triangle. but this script supports both Keyboard players and Pad players. MODバージョンも別で公開していますが、こちらにも同梱しています。 CSInputと同様にスコアは記録されませんが、一応上位互換ですし、通常CSInput譜面をキーボードでやるのに使えるかも? PerfectInput MOD can be downloaded in another page. but It is also contained here. As same as CSinput, rankings are not recorded. It is factual a upward compatible with CSInput though.  PerfectInput(MOD):[script id:87eebcd904c31cc1900f2531d17ec99b] 安直な改造で海外勢の譜面には既に入ってますが、どこにも見つからなかったので投稿しておきます。 It is just simple modification and it has contained in some charts already. but I didn't find it anywhere so I posted it. 2022/05/21 追記 10キー操作の方がスコアランキングで有利だからPerfectInputを導入したくない人のためにHybridInputを公開しました。 こちらを使えばスコアの下1桁の値で6キー操作か10キー操作かを判別することが出来ます。 I've posted HybridInput for chart designers who wouldn't like to using PerfectInput because 10 key players get advantage in score rankings. [script id:069e7ad60b06fd88b62ab60b526f91ed] [同梱物 / Inclusions] PerfectInput.fsml: スクリプトです。譜面作成時にBase_Scriptsフォルダに入れればその譜面でPerfectInputが有効になります。 This is script. If you put it in "Base_Scripts" folder when you are making charts, PerfectInput will be available in the chart. PerfectInput.mod: MODです。modsフォルダに入れてゲーム内で有効にすればすべての譜面でPerfectInputが有効になります。(ランキング非対応) This is MOD, If you put it in "mods" folder and enable it, PerfectInput will be available in all charts. (rankings are not supported) [Based Script・MOD] CSInput:[script id:f2d6427525f863fb7a3d67a54ebf3f0d] CSInput(source):[script id:d76911f2a13a34e66c07bc19130592ae]
2021-07-28 22:59:58 投稿
drag this wav to your song
2021-06-18 20:16:09 投稿
ついに、このスクリプトはCSInputで使えるようになりました! Finally, this script can be used with CSInput! どうもみなさん。初音、いや、波常未来です。ついにHold仕様が変更可能になりました。 新ACSkinFT達成率に対応するため通常の長押しHoldを使わない、パラメーターを使ってHoldを作成します。 スクリプトは3つあり、こちらは: CustomHold Main: スクリプト本体。変更することが必要ない。ノード数が500超えた(現在の時点で648個)のでスクリプトを開くときお時間をかかります。 Main script. Do not need to changed. It will take some time to open the script because it used more than 500 nodes. CustomHold Setting: スクリプト設定。デフォルト数値をここに変更してください。 Script Setting. Change the default stats here. CustomHold Disable Button: LRにHoldを設定したときに○△ボタンを無効になるスクリプトです。 Script that will disable the ○△ while LR is set to Hold. 利用できるパラメーターは: Hold: Holdだけ、設定はスクリプト内の設定になっています。(もちろん変更可能。) Just a Hold, which will use the setting in the script. (Of cource can be changed.) HoldMode: Holdの計算方式を変更する。Falseでフレームに依存(PPDデフォルト)、Trueで64分拍子数に依存する。 Change the way to calculating. If set to False it will based on frames (Which is the default mode of PPD.), if set to True it will based on 64th beats. HoldBPM: HoldModeがTrueなら64分拍子のBPMを変更する。 Change the BPM of the 64th beat while Holdmode is set to True. HoldBonus: Holdの毎回加算するスコアを変更する。 Change the score that adds every time. MaxHoldBonus: Max Hold Bonusを変更する。 Change the Max Hold Bonus. ShowHoldBonus & ShowMaxHoldBonus: Falseならボーナス数値(+xxxx)を非表示になる。HoldBonusやMaxHoldBonusが0ならTrueでも非表示になる。 Hide the Bonus Value if set to False. If HoldBonus or MaxHoldBonus is set to 0 it will be hided even if set to True. HoldTimes: Holdのスコア加算する回数を変更する。(例:HoldBonusが10でHoldTimesが300なら、Max Holdするまで合計10×300=3000点を獲得する。) Change the times the score will add. (Example: If HoldBonus is set to 10 while HoldTimes is set to 300, it will add 10×300=3000 points before Max Hold.) HoldLength: Holdのスコア加算長さを設定します。HoldModeがTrueなら何回64分、Falseなら何フレームごと1回スコア加算。(例:HoldModeがFalseでHoldLengthが2なら、2フレームごと1回加算。) Set the Length of the score adding. If the HoldMode is True, how many 64th beats, If False, how many frames will add the score. (Example: If HoldLength is set to 2 while HoldMode set to False, it will add the score once every 2 frames.) HoldChecker: HoldCheckerがついたHoldがMax Holdした時点で、この前のすべてのHoldがMax Holdした場合でボーナスを獲得します。一部のHoldが見逃してもすこしだけのボーナスが獲得できる。この数値をスクリプト内で変更してください。 Get a bonus if all of the Holds before it was Max Holded. If you missed some of them you can still get a fewer bonus. You have to change the value in the script. です。 以下はスクリプト内だけで…
2021-04-11 18:31:44 投稿
The source of the Dance Master script. Sample chart:[score id:ca037d58b993fbe02f23b9c4108535b0]
2020-08-27 05:03:17 投稿
this just changes the texture of what flies into the notes, be sure to read the enclosed instructions provided.
2019-12-19 10:27:10 投稿
[script id:5011feff0e36bc9aeca63360da306793] のソースです。 2019/11/17 10:59 マークエフェクトを非表示できるようになりました。
2019-11-15 20:32:03 投稿
The source of [score id:418740bbb366804d3260eef09e7737c4]. You can download it if you want to know how I made this. 2019/12/27 4:50 Updated to the final version.
2019-11-05 03:51:34 投稿

スクリプト ランキング