Special thanks: Siteswap a simple script that can encrypt your chart to make sure it's won't be convert to other game How to encrypt: put Encrypt_Position.fsml in your chart run Encrypt(or Decrypt) Position command to encrypt your chart How to decrypt: run Encrypt(or Decrypt) Position command in your project file it's use POS_X and POS_Y to storage the real Note position should be let most PPD chart convert not work anymore for someone who're working for PPD chart convert tool: like you see this script didn't encrypt POS_X and POS_Y value, it's very easy to decrypt if you want if charter don't care other people port them chart in other game they will won't use it to encrypt then chart so just be kindness, thinking if you really need to support decrypt it
2024-10-31 13:32:02 投稿
2024.10.12 VectorReverse08H add SubtractBPM(aka イベントマネージャからの減少値) PPDEditor_Vet08H add SubtractBPM support ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2024.10.01 PPDEditor_vet08H update; optimize 60FPS BPM change code Base for Yu([user id:Yu_PPD]) 's VectorReverse08 script [script id:6e711888cdc1c36aa5946bf40c20a51d] Special Thanks: JohnnyKLawliet ([user id:JohnnyKLawliet]) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i know we already have divascript can let our chart looks 99% same as official but divascript parameters is not friendly if you're made chart in PPDEditor and it's not really public right now that's why i'm thinking i should base for original VectorReverse0 to made a new one lucky after i reinstall win10 PPDEditor finally don't suck my Script Manager screen anymore and it's actually saved me a lot of time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ add new parameters: MarkDistanceRatio change mark distance Basically, MarkDistanceRatio scales how long for fly trail, while MarkSpeed intercepts fly trail and then scales it you can use those together to made some werid thing that only works in PPD MarkDistanceRatio = 1.0 [user_img ID:517 width:360] MarkDistanceRatio = 0.75 [user_img ID:519 width:360] MarkDistanceRatio = 0.5 [user_img ID:518 width:360] Frequency change mark fly trail, default is 2 here is some examples Frequency = 2 [user_img ID:512 width:360] Frequency = 4 [user_img ID:513 width:360] Frequency = 0 [user_img ID:514 width:360] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Change MarkDistance to 250(PPD is 300) Change Multi Note DecelerationRate to 0.7333333 Change Curvature to 17.361(Yu one is 20, PPD is 30) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if you don't like some default value you can change in here [user_img ID:521 width:360] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if anyone need here is PPDEditor that have full Support VectorReverse08H parameters and 60fps bpm change event preview and slide scale calculate https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vv1dpJt4W4i-GnAeFJJsC3lozxtUlcn6/view?usp=drive_link about PPDEditor_Vet08H config file: when you boot up PPDEditor_Vet08H it's will auto add some default value in PPDEditor.ini [user_img ID:516 width:360] if you're change VectorReverse08H default value you need also change it in PPDEditor.ini let make sure preview will 100% work right
2024-08-12 22:12:47 投稿
Base for [user id:mmkagari] 's setPosition to Linear command [script id:045be17c45216ac33c2009c6f0b50813] add new option: Fix note position after chain slide: auto calculate and move note position after chain slide to fix note position (default is true) Set note offset after chain slide: move note x position after chain slide (default is 5px) for someone who want to know why it's need and how it's work: on PPD chain slide is 15px for every image so if you're use right slide scale vaule you will get 60px chain slide what i'm doing for this script is use note time and releasetime to calculate how long for this chain slide then add offset for another note but even we already calculate it's still have weird offset for 新ACSkinFT new one slide size so i add 5px offset to let it looks more better for someone who don't know how to calculate slide scale: slide scale = (bpm / 180) + 0.0001 Usage - paste the folder into KHC/PPD/Commands and execute from PPDEditor's Command menu
2024-08-05 21:29:47 投稿
Work In Progress script. 27/7/2024: Simplified. Thanks Siteswap.
2024-07-12 19:10:10 投稿
※ It's a PPDEditor command, you should only use it on PPDEditor How to use: put in on command folder, it's will be show on command list Flip all select note Type in PPDEditor e.g: Triangle → Circle Square → Cross Cross → Square Circle → Triangle L → R R → L
2024-06-27 00:00:14 投稿
This loading screen pack has 9 total loading screens. all of them are Miku but more will come out soon!
2023-09-05 10:24:57 投稿
base for Lumi HybridInput script:[script id:069e7ad60b06fd88b62ab60b526f91ed] ver.a same as Lumi scrpit but now when your score is too low, it will not decrease your score default is -1 ver.b it's will only reduces score when you get COOL FINE SAFE SAD with use dpad default is -20 (I didn't ask Lumi if I could change his script, so if Lumi want I will delete this script)
2023-04-17 21:12:33 投稿
This script makes all notes on the screen slowly fade You can set the final alpha and end time in the parameter value (explanations in the .zip) Demo : [youtube id:Jp2Ha6nbXBU width:640 height:360] At 0:41 seconds If you have an issue with this script, contact me on discord : Siteswap#0700 Have fun !
2023-03-04 18:13:40 投稿
The script is tied to a parameter that will make the full note layer "jump" when the note with the parameter hits Demo : [youtube id:-mTo2QuEJGY width:640 height:360] Be aware that this script doesn't work with [Real PDA-FT Skin X 4.1 UPDATED!] Skin Mod as it removes everything from the mark layer If you want to change the height or duration values just open the Script in PPDeditor and change the two "Float.Value" nodes in green scopes I hope this script will be useful to some people, have fun ^^
2022-12-03 04:13:42 投稿
CSinputを独自に改造したスクリプトです。 譜面にこのスクリプトを埋め込んだ場合、 十字キーで△□×〇が取れるようになり、△□で左スライダー、×〇で右スライダーが取れるようになります。 ここまではPerfectInput[script id:30f5a676324fb2cdddb0c9347bd5e553] と全く同じですが、こちらは十字キーを1度でも押すとスコアが1点減算される機能が追加されてます。 これにより、スコアの下1桁でパッド操作かキーボード操作かを判別することが出来ます。 スコアの下1桁が0:キーボード操作(6キー、十字キー不使用) スコアの下1桁が9:パッド操作(10キー、十字キー使用) 【注意点】 ・仕組み上、他のスコアを変動するスクリプトが導入されていて1桁目が変動する場合機能しません。 ・空打ちでも十字キーを押したら減算されるので、メニューから復帰するときなど誤爆に注意。 ・スクリプト内の「PPD.GainResult.GainCurrentScore」のGainの値を変えることで変動させるスコアの値も変更出来ます。 ※あまり減少量を大きくするとスコアがアンダーフローしたまま完走できるので注意
2022-05-21 13:53:43 投稿

スクリプト ランキング