リスト [ Songs ]

Next Nest - Satsuki Ga Tenkomori || ネクストネスト - さつき が てんこもり BPM - 128 Extreme - ☆8.5 AUTOPLAY: [youtube id:w--8wCzFC6w width:640 height:360]
2021-07-31 00:33:52 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
164 128 5(1) 4:00
English Title: Traffic Jam Producer: Niru Kajitsu Extreme: 8.5 CSInput included! [youtube id:48QhDRxSbsk width:640 height:360]
2021-08-01 21:15:02 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
304 130 5(2) 4:00
少年ブレイヴ / Shounen Brave, by じん (自然の敵P) / Jin (Shizen no Teki-P) featuring IA. This is my favourite song from the Kagerou Project. I am not sure whether I should be offended that nobody had charted this already, or whether I should be happy that this gave me the opportunity to chart it myself. Nevertheless, I love this song a lot and it manages to pull my heartstrings every time, so enjoy the chart :) Difficulty: Extreme ☆9.0 CSInput included. Edit 28-10-2023: Fixed multis at 3:59. Autoplay: [youtube id:QiopcR-Bqj8 width:640 height:360] I have also made an alternative version for the official cover by nano.RIPE Kimiko. This has different instrumentals and is about 10 BPM slower. So if you think this chart is too hard, the cover version might be a good alternative: https://projectdxxx.me/score/index/id/7f02fed72a6d172a0bd7e2c29f0bffad
2021-08-03 02:39:18 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
179 205 5(2) 4:32
Producer : ポリスピカデリー (Police Piccadilly) Vocaloid : 初音ミク(Hatsune Miku) Update : added easy and normal The chart also works with the Project Sekai / Vivid BAD SQUAD version of the song (put the latency at -0.743) : https://youtu.be/DaWbq6KeJq4 Easy ☆2 Normal ☆5 Hard ☆6.5 Extreme ☆8 [youtube id:JX2QZgv4js8] [youtube id:ayR6bxlp7Tw]
2021-08-11 08:40:09 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
3.23pt 7.12pt 16.93pt 25.55pt
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
645 137 4.5(6) 3:37
- CS Input included bleh EX: 8.5★ [youtube id:PN6tDh9vJDE width:640 height:360]
2021-08-12 05:00:03 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
196 128 5(3) 4:49
English Title:THE END EXのみ:☆9.5 ピーク時:58.06pt PerfectInput内臓(PerfectInput is included) ※CSInput同等 Music:cosMo@暴走P 様 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9AYHlE2OLcMlZJo3MBlfkQ 速いので難しい…腕前は凡人レベルなので腕(指)が死にそう( ;∀;) 16分の1拍子の連打は交互(シングル)に抑えています。 [youtube id:7zmb7mq3mtk]
2021-08-13 00:00:00 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
169 222 5(1) 4:09
This is another f2nd style chart ♡ playable without csinput to save score [youtube id:84Q-xC6WygY]
2021-04-08 02:03:49 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
158 132 評価なし 2:07
Producer : DIVELA Vocaloid : 初音ミク (Hatsune Miku) This song was uploaded on June 12th, 2018 to celebrate the 3939th day of Hatsune Miku. Normal ☆5 Hard ☆8 Extreme ☆10 [youtube id:jf3KpuIPSaw] The English title was translated by me so it's probably inaccurate. I would appreciate if someone who speaks Japanese could give a better translation (you can comment here or on YouTube)
2020-03-12 02:47:13 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
14.84pt 24.34pt 35.34pt
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
269 167 5(1) 1:07
※譜面をプレイする前にLatencyを「+0.10」ぐらいに調整してください。  達成率が110%を超える場合があります。      EASYにEXTREMEの少し上の難易度(MASTER)があります。     [ DisableExceptACFTButton ] [ CSInput ] [ Chance Time ] [ Technical Zone V1.0.3 ] [ Success ] [ VectorReverse08 ]  が導入してあります。(プレイに影響がある物のみ表記。)      難易度はProject DIVA Future Toneを基準に参考にしています。      動画がなかった場合は各自で用意してください。
2020-08-31 00:14:48 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
24.78pt 15.14pt 24.22pt
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
222 150 3(1) 4:32
Jackpot Sad Girl EXTREME COMPLETE Difficuty: ☆9 [youtube id:fSvg8c0Gckg width:640 height:360]
2020-11-02 06:25:43 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
258 253 評価なし 1:24