リスト [ Songs ]

LATENCY WARNING! Thanks to this song having like a billion bpm changes and also Comfy, the latency kinda crazy! +0.200 (yes 0.200) latency is about what the song is 10 Stars and playable without CSInput!
2022-10-20 11:53:38 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
123 240 5(1) 3:13
This is a "test-friendly" semi-hard chart I decided to make for me to try holds. If any want to try, good luck! After 3 years... I still don't know how to chart "Touhou Song from ALiCE'S EMOTiON" Me. 2019. Extreme ☆10 CSInput Included [youtube id:dWCRB0-nfgA] **if you prefer the old video then dl this one instead of the Target Movie URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxPyEm8nZ8A UPDATE: forgot the thumb oops.
2022-10-16 00:32:09 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
78 156 評価なし 4:29
ピノキオピー/PINOCCHIOP i tried to do my best to upload it today |||T o T) This Score has CSInput Script !! BPM: 153 -DIFFICULTIES- EXTREME ★9.5 chart preview [youtube id:9WAcCW6SOTs width:1280 height:720]
2022-10-15 01:15:41 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
189 153 評価なし 3:16
English Title: Starry Start Producer: Kairiki Bear Extreme: ☆9 CSInput Included! [youtube id:6sgDlCjNnK0 width:640 height:360]
2022-10-13 02:58:05 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
108 181 評価なし 2:43


投稿者: Kyle
my 7th fav letter 8.5 Stars and playable without CSInput!
2022-10-10 09:20:41 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
88 240 評価なし 4:20
"So with your hand in mine, let's head to the glittering stars above~" HARD: ★5.5 (4:28) EXTREME: ★8 [youtube id:lJ46Le1PEe8 width:640 height:360] CS input included (Commission for Bismuth)
2022-10-09 15:41:05 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
22.48pt 30.08pt
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
116 135 5(1) 4:24
"Oh I'm sick of this. Don't love me." HARD: ★7.5 (5:02) EXTREME: ★9.5 [youtube id:DlItvgmq_4U width:640 height:360] CS input included (Commission for 8biome)
2022-10-07 08:21:19 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
21.07pt 28.76pt
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
147 139 評価なし 4:52
Song : インビジブル (Invisible) Music & lyrics : kemu BPM : 192 EXTREME ☆9.5-10 (There is a CSInput) Autoplay : [youtube id:3d1qYNmXPt4 width:640 height:360] hope you enjoy it. (≧▽≦)
2022-10-06 01:55:37 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
159 192 4.2(5) 3:31
DECO*27 to this day, that song is still in my favorites of DECO*27 This Score has CSInput Script !! BPM: 128 -DIFFICULTIES- EXTREME ★8.5 chart preview [youtube id:zo7o0wUNT_Q width:1280 height:720]
2022-10-04 06:47:47 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
129 128 5(1) 3:42
cosMo@Bousou-P (cosMo@暴走P) / Kuroneko Antique (黒猫アンティーク) GUMI (グミ) Who can pass a perfect rating to this song?... This Score has CSInput Script !! BPM: 222 -DIFFICULTIES- EXTREME ★10 chart preview [youtube id:4ijU56KY6jY width:1280 height:720]
2022-10-01 22:55:32 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
149 222 5(1) 3:41