リスト [ Songs ]

ピノキオピー/PINOCCHIOP More songs by PinocchioP, hehe :3 NOTE: this chart was prepared before Ultimate Senpai and Mei Mei This Score has CSInput Script !! -CHART INFORMATION- BPM: 150 Difficulties: ★8.5 EXTREME Style Score: ACFT Score Extreme Preview [youtube id:g4ylPkjtOiU width:1280 height:720]
2020-07-02 13:34:11 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
271 150 3.5(4) 2:24
ピノキオピー/PINOCCHIOP This has been an improved chart from my previous work, as I really like this song, and on the PPD server they gave me neutral and bad reviews, I wanted to improve it, but I will not change the old chart OLD Chart [score id:2ff71d67866944c741878d02d0a8ede8] This Score has CSInput Script !! -CHART INFORMATION- BPM: 145 Difficulties: ★9.5 EXTREME Style Score: ACFT Score Extreme preview [youtube id:aezQ6nvTdCI width:1280 height:720]
2020-07-01 05:46:16 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
568 145 4.4(5) 3:38
A beautiful song by PinocchioP with a lot of meaning to me ~~~~~~~~~~~ CSinput is enabled in the song This is a complete rework of the song [youtube id:nulWLtcWRYc] ピノキオピー Extra tags for ease of search: PinocchioP Hatsune Miku Zero
2019-12-16 07:07:43 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
34.97pt 35.27pt
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
321 133 5(1) 4:01
きみも悪い人でよかった / I'm Glad You're Evil Too by PinocchioP BPM: 88 Hard: ☆7 Extreme: ☆9 Autoplay [youtube id:Cn4db6Umb44 width:640 height:360]
2018-12-31 23:59:59 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
13.95pt 16.52pt
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
603 88 4.88(8) 6:28
Song: M/es Producer: Pinocchio-P Difficulty: ☆9.5 Score preview: [youtube id:j30GtiOwzzQ width:640 height:360]
2018-12-16 05:38:24 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
233 150 4.4(5) 3:39
アイ / Ai - DECO*27 BPM - 192 Extreme - ☆8.5 AUTOPLAY: [youtube id:bY2ZZ3A9-TA width:640 height:360]
2020-11-09 05:48:23 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
245 192 4.33(3) 4:30
Producer : 鬱P (Utsu-P) Vocaloid : 初音ミク (Hatsune Miku) Update : added normal, reduced the difficulty of easy Easy ☆1.5 Normal ☆3.5 Hard ☆6.5 Extreme ☆8.5 BPM : 80 Note speed : 80 for Easy and Normal, 160 for Hard and Extreme [youtube id:4hmfvnFuXm4]
2020-11-13 19:00:45 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
3.09pt 5.51pt 18.77pt 28.52pt
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
1043 80 4.44(9) 3:39
レミングミング - かいりきベア Hard ☆8 Extreme ☆9 CSINPUT IS ENABLED [youtube id:X0sC0aWwZIo]
2020-11-15 07:10:52 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
25.42pt 33.62pt
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
357 250 5(5) 3:11
You don't need CSImput to play this chart so you can get ranked! Enjoy!!
2020-11-16 06:01:02 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
29.3pt 37.81pt
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
349 212 4.33(6) 3:48