Song : HARROW Lyrics : DECO*27 Music : DECO*27 & Rockwell BPM : 195 EXTREME ☆10 (There is a CSInput) Autoplay : Sorry I can't provide an example. Hello everyone! I intend to make every song of this project, hope you will wait and enjoy it. (≧▽≦) (finished 11/11) Finally, the last song. Thank you for playing my chart! Thank you!!
2022-05-24 02:47:45 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
111 195 5(1) 3:35

投稿者: kokoro
Song : MeMe Music : Rockwell lyrics : DECO*27 BPM : 125 (250/125) EXTREME ☆9.5 (There is a CSInput) Autoplay : Sorry I can't provide an example. Hello everyone! I intend to make every song of this project, hope you will wait and enjoy it. (≧▽≦) (finished 10/11)
2022-05-22 00:46:02 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
126 250 5(2) 3:47
Song : おまじない (Magic) Music : DECO*27 lyrics : DECO*27 BPM : 240 EXTREME ☆8.5-9 (There is a CSInput) Sorry I can't provide an example. Hello everyone! I intend to make every song of this project, hope you will wait and enjoy it. (≧▽≦) (finished 9/11)
2022-05-15 18:35:13 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
113 240 5(1) 3:26

投稿者: kokoro
Song : half Music : DECO*27 & Rockwell lyrics : DECO*27 BPM : 90 EXTREME ☆7.5-8? (There is a CSInput) Sorry I can't provide an example. Hello everyone! I intend to make every song of this project, hope you will wait and enjoy it. (≧▽≦) (finished 8/11)
2022-05-11 21:46:11 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
102 90 4.5(4) 4:00
Song : 愛なんですよ (This Is How To Be In Love With You) Music & lyrics : DECO*27 BPM : 148 EXTREME ☆8.5-9 (There is a CSInput) Sorry I can't provide an example. Hello everyone! I intend to make every song of this project, hope you will wait and enjoy it. (≧▽≦) (finished 7/11)
2022-05-08 21:38:23 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
110 148 5(1) 3:32
Song : スローダウン (Throw Down) Music: Rockwell lyrics : DECO*27 BPM : 110 EXTREME ☆8 (There is a CSInput) Sorry I can't provide an example. Hello everyone! I intend to make every song of this project, hope you will wait and enjoy it. (≧▽≦) (finished 6/11)
2022-05-06 19:02:47 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
112 110 5(1) 3:49
Song : アフターペイン (After Pain) Music & lyrics : DECO*27 BPM : 137 EXTREME ☆8 (There is a CSInput) Sorry I can't provide an example. Hello everyone! I intend to make every song of this project, hope you will wait and enjoy it. (≧▽≦) (finished 5/11) *I will improve, thanks for the advice.*
2022-05-05 00:21:02 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
118 137 5(1) 3:40
Song : 事変上等 (Bring It On) Music : DECO*27 & Rockwell lyrics : DECO*27 BPM : 224 (112) EXTREME ☆9.5 (There is a CSInput) Sorry I can't provide an example. Hello everyone! I intend to make every song of this project, hope you will wait and enjoy it. (≧▽≦) (finished 4/11)
2022-05-02 18:29:40 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
156 224 2.75(4) 4:05
Song : アンビリカル (Umbilical) Music&lyrics : DECO*27 BPM : 148 EXTREME ☆8 (There is a CSInput) Sorry I can't provide an example. Hello everyone! I intend to make every song of this project, hope you will wait and enjoy it. (≧▽≦) (finished 3/11)
2022-04-27 21:36:22 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
131 148 4.33(3) 3:23
Song : 弱肉共食 (Weakness) Music&lyrics : DECO*27 BPM : 165 EXTREME ☆9 (There is a CSInput) Sorry I can't provide an example. Hello everyone! I intend to make every song of this project, hope you will wait and enjoy it. (≧▽≦) (finished 2/11)
2022-04-27 02:05:16 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
116 165 3.33(3) 3:47