get right 9.5 Stars and playable without CSInput! [youtube id:NO0mlADt5QU width:640 height:360]
2023-01-22 10:03:36 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
81 230 5(1) 4:29
Sasakure.UK ワンダーランズ×ショウタイム Wonderlands×Showtime Everybody, SHOWTIME!! This Score has CSInput Script !! BPM: 172 -DIFFICULTIES- EXTREME ★10 -CHART PREVIEW- [youtube id:hNFzQxQ32i0 width:1280 height:720]
2023-01-21 04:44:37 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
138 172 評価なし 3:18
Now loading... HARD: ★6 EXTREME: ★8 [youtube id:PKeIjGCUnT8 width:640 height:360] CS input included (Commission for ramirez)
2023-01-21 04:12:32 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
20.49pt 30.35pt
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
88 170 5(1) 3:21
閲覧いただきありがとうございます!m(__)m 早いbpmの曲が練習したかったので、思い切って譜面を初制作してみました! なので申し訳ないですが見えずらいノーツや押しにくい配置が多々あると思います…。 楽しんでいただけたら嬉しいです! Thank you for reading! I wanted to practice a song with a fast bpm, so I made the score for the first time! I'm sorry because it's the first work, so I think there are many notes that are hard to see and difficult to press. I hope you enjoy it! EXTREAM ☆10 CS input included recommended Latency : 0.01 [youtube id:aKFhzpok9K8 width:640 height:360]
2023-01-21 03:07:56 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
115 195 評価なし 2:33
はじめまして地球人さん - ピノキオピー Extreme ☆9.5 Script : DivaScript - Blizzin LyricsLocationImpermeable - Yu CommunicationScoreDiff - Yu [youtube id:fNS3WUIexDw]
2023-01-19 22:59:40 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
99 175 評価なし 3:53
Leo/need + Len commissioned song by HarryP EXTREME ☆8.5 Autoplay: [youtube id:8B4bqrVdp5k width:1280 height:720] Miku Version: (Latency +1.290) CSinput included
2023-01-18 00:30:36 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
120 190 評価なし 3:58
DECO*27/デコ・ニーナ Pinocchio-P (ピノキオピー Debiru Janai Debiru Janai Mon-... This Score has CSInput Script !! BPM: 154 -DIFFICULTIES- EXTREME ★9.5 -CHART PREVIEW- [youtube id:B3P_fCsodms width:1280 height:720]
2023-01-17 02:22:10 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
180 154 5(1) 2:43
"This vector, which I pray can intersect you, Is Mankind's Last Theorem..." HARD: ★6 EXTREME: ★8 [youtube id:BAuR4wJlAQ width:640 height:360] CS input included (Commission for Moorea) the guy in the mmd is just recolored aph america
2023-01-16 16:53:00 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
15.84pt 22.08pt
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
84 180 5(1) 4:46
Absolutely (Story of a Girl) by the band Nine Days album: The Madding Crowd (2000) NORMAL 4★ HARD 6★ EXTREME 8★ [youtube id:1wEW9a54tTQ]
2023-01-15 00:01:00 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
9.68pt 19.29pt 29.58pt
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
69 193 5(1) 3:11
アニメ「ぼっち・ざ・ろっく!」第12話挿入歌から EASY=☆2.0 NORMAL=☆4.5 HARD=☆6.0 EXTREME=☆8.0 作詞:樋口愛 作曲:内藤英雅 編曲:三井律郎
2023-01-15 00:00:00 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
3.44pt 7.42pt 15.39pt 19.49pt
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
132 123 5(3) 3:02
