リスト [ Songs I Have ]

CSInput included, disable it on this score to appear on the rankings! The third collaboration between [user id:SHADOWMASTER44] and [user id:Lyria_chan]! This chart is definitely the chart I had the most fun with out of all of them, so sit back and enjoy :) - Lyria_chan I think this one turned out very well - SHADOWMASTER44 EXTREME ☆9 [youtube id:OUyvKm0NlyI width:640 height:360] Producer: KIRA Vocals: GUMI
2022-05-06 05:01:23 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
109 126 評価なし 3:23
CSInput included, disable it on this score to appear on the rankings! The fourth collaboration between [user id:SHADOWMASTER44] and [user id:Lyria_chan]! The beginning was rough, but I'm happy with how it turned out in the end :D stay hydrated and have fun! - Lyria_chan This chart was definitely a new experience for us, hope you like it - SHADOWMASTER44 EXTREME ☆9 [youtube id:urT4USLsUgw width:640 height:360] Producer: kyaami Vocals: Namine Ritsu
2022-05-06 06:12:27 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
141 100 5(3) 3:49
Song : スローダウン (Throw Down) Music: Rockwell lyrics : DECO*27 BPM : 110 EXTREME ☆8 (There is a CSInput) Sorry I can't provide an example. Hello everyone! I intend to make every song of this project, hope you will wait and enjoy it. (≧▽≦) (finished 6/11)
2022-05-06 19:02:47 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
112 110 5(1) 3:49
EXのみ:☆8.5 ピーク時:47.79pt PerfectInput内臓(PerfectInput is included) ※CSInput同等 Vocal:可不 Music&Lyrics:ユリイ・カノン 様 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2OgzdgLQ7vxlANVxF3kgvg 全体的にリズムが取りやすい良い曲です。 ホールドの切り替えはありません。 [youtube id:h99pziqMrek]
2022-04-10 18:00:00 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
130 152 5(3) 3:11


投稿者: kokoro
Song : half Music : DECO*27 & Rockwell lyrics : DECO*27 BPM : 90 EXTREME ☆7.5-8? (There is a CSInput) Sorry I can't provide an example. Hello everyone! I intend to make every song of this project, hope you will wait and enjoy it. (≧▽≦) (finished 8/11)
2022-05-11 21:46:11 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
102 90 4.5(4) 4:00
三十一作目です。 SPY×FAMILYのOPです。 レベルは★ × 7ぐらいだと思います 簡単すぎるかもw [youtube id:U_rWZK_8vUY width:640 height:360]
2022-05-14 09:58:20 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
117 150 5(1) 1:30
Song : おまじない (Magic) Music : DECO*27 lyrics : DECO*27 BPM : 240 EXTREME ☆8.5-9 (There is a CSInput) Sorry I can't provide an example. Hello everyone! I intend to make every song of this project, hope you will wait and enjoy it. (≧▽≦) (finished 9/11)
2022-05-15 18:35:13 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
113 240 5(1) 3:26
EXのみ:☆9 ピーク時:54.66pt PerfectInput内臓(PerfectInput is included) ※CSInput同等 Song: 泥の分際で私だけの大切を奪おうだなんて Artist: ツユ --------------------------------------------------- 初投稿です。稚拙な部分が多く至らない点もありますが、よろしくお願いします。 1から教えてくださったskywind7さんLumi2さん、ありがとうございました。
2022-05-15 00:00:00 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
120 225 5(3) 3:14
this chart has rush notes [youtube id:VqVJOb2QUVU]
2022-05-16 07:39:57 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
110 160 5(2) 4:46
extreme: ☆9 | latency: 20 score preview: [youtube id:_erBWQ-utck width:640 height:360]
2022-05-16 22:52:50 投稿
Easy Normal Hard Extreme
DL数 BPM 評価 長さ
71 194 5(1) 3:14