[Target]PPD [x86 or x64] x64 [Windows OS] Win10 and win7 [Content] The PPD closes after pressing a hold or a normal maintained note. In the case of the hold it closes after pressing it, in the case of the hold normal after releasing the button. it also happens with the automatic. [error.log exists] No [What you did before error] Turn on the ppd, it happens to me with any current ppd, version 7 works well for me. [PPD.ini] [multisample]0 [d3d]0 [adjustgaptime]0.017 [coolarea]0.04 [goodarea]0.08 [safearea]0.12 [sadarea]0.15 [fontname]IPAGothic [fontweight]400 [fontsize]30 [skinname]PPDDefaultSkin [mastervolume]0 [username] [width]800 [height]450 [movielatency]0 [movieplaytype]0 [token] [tokensecret] [movieextensions]mp4;flv;avi;wmv;mkv;divx;mov;ogv;webm [Language]en [musicextensions]wav;mp3;ogg;flac;aac [textboxdisabled]1 [drawsamecoloratsametimingdisabled]1 [fullscreen]1 [asyncloaddisabled]0 [allowedtousemuchmemory]0 [drawconnectunderallmark]0 [autoadjustlatencydisabled]1 [everyframepollingdisabled]0 [menumoviepreviewdisabled]0 [accurateinputsleeptime]0 [runexpansion]0 [expansionwaitport]54320 [usewacomtabletforslide]0 [useds4forslide]0 [touchmergeradius]0.5 [touchignoremovethreshold]0.05 [touchdisablesplitnothandpattern]0 [touchdisablejoinalonefinger]0 [shaderdisabled]1 [fontscaledisabled]1 [highresolutionimagedisabled]0
作成日時:2018-04-23 06:37:57 更新日時:2018-04-23 06:37:57
Re: The PPD closes after pressing a hold or a normal maintained note.
No, I've tried both the 64-bit and the 32-bit version, on windows 10 and 7. When it reaches those notes it automatically stops working and closes, without fatal error or anything. I also have to say that I made the songs with the ppd editor of version 9.0.7
I'm going to test whether a song from an earlier version passes or not.
作成日時:2018-04-24 01:04:41 更新日時:2018-04-24 01:04:41
Re: The PPD closes after pressing a hold or a normal maintained note.