"Help" section in english PPDEditor

Well, here on this site help section tell us run PPDEditor, and then "Select Menu bar->show->help, then help and basic operations are displayed, so follow it and create score."
The trouble is, when you trying to do so, the program is trying to open nonexistent file (like, english guide).

True, if you follow this path, you'll will not find such (only for Japanese and Korean(?) ).

I understand it so - if you pick Japanese/Korean for all PPD programs and go to this section, it will show you full guide with pictures and other. So, will be english "Help" section someday? I really want to try create some score, but i don't want to bother anyone with questions like "How to do this and such?!"
Thank you for your attention.
PS Wrong forum section, sorry.
作成日時:2014-07-16 01:09:21 更新日時:2014-07-16 01:12:07


Yes, I should create english help.
But there are many tasks to do before it...
作成日時:2014-07-16 06:58:01 更新日時:2014-07-16 06:58:01


It's okay, take your time.
Thank you.
作成日時:2014-07-16 14:13:43 更新日時:2014-07-16 14:13:43