Real PDA-FT Skin X 3.0

投稿者: Sathana Sundaravej 投稿日: 2019-06-09 19:47:03 DL数: 2666
New PPD(Project Dxxx) Mod "Real PDA-FT Skin X" Version 3.0 Released!

New Feature Update
・Blue Slide Added! (Only Graphics Working, No Auto Slide)(BETA)
・Auto Detected Glow MelodyIcon(Notes) Songs. (Input song's name into the mod setting, the mod will display glow in that song.)

Bug & Problem Fixed
・Fixed MelodyBase and MelodyIcon Layer (Now Press Effects are Between MelodyBase And MelodyIcon)
・Fixed MAX Slide Score UI Display Graphics and Timing
・Add Glow Effect to Slide Score UI
・Fixed HOLD UI and Score System In PS4 Graphics Mode
・Fixed HOLD UI and Score System In Arcade Graphics Mode
・Fixed Overload Clear Percentage in PS4 Mode.
・Fixed Chain Slide Sound.
・Now the mod can turn off all buttons press sound that let you can turn on other press sound effect mod to run at the same time.

For all version on youtube playlist:

Special Thanks
・Blizzin (
・TheCorrellRoyHD ( / MikuFan01 (
・JohnnyKLawliet (
・篝 (
・オクト (

・This Mod can run by itself, not need other mod. Do not run other skin or mod at the same time that multiplies effect and UI. (Arcade UI Image Skin can run normally)
・Blue Slide Effect now support in all real official Arcade song chart. But in some song chart on will not support. (the song has very very supper slow slide scale not support now)(Summer Idol and Ohayodel is OK)
・Now This mod included MelodyBase and MelodyIcon Layer Manager System. Maybe affected to some song chart has set hidden in some layer.
・Now the mod can use other press sound effect mod at the same time.

Sorry about video quality that frame rate dropped. I have problem with new Mac OSX Catalina that affected all driver and visual machine.
If you already use my mod, please comment down below how is it. Or you can upload your gameplay with my mod and comment the link too.

Script/Mod の情報

バージョン X 3.0

I get various "Reading image error" :(
irisp 2019-06-13 14:39:40
please try to delete folder KHC\PPD\Sprites\mod\Sathana Sundaravej.Real PDA-FT Skin to force ppd re-generate image from mod.
and check the song you play is AC or ADFT type.
Sathana Sundaravej 2019-06-14 09:34:57
same problem here, already tried to delete the folder but it keeps recreating
lorelayfox 2019-06-16 21:47:04
It always creates sprites folder. Please delete all Real PDA-FT Skin in all version except X 3.0. And Check you not use song with script that affected to layer.
Sathana Sundaravej 2019-06-18 12:16:04
Kaito Shion 2019-06-19 11:47:19
This is an amazing skin
Kaito Shion 2019-06-19 11:48:28
Thank You. I hope all of you will like this mod. ^w^ If have any question please ask me.
Sathana Sundaravej 2019-06-24 19:13:15
Em....Can I help you with my ArcadeSoundFT?
Kaito Shion 2019-06-25 01:33:32
Fix the bug?
Sathana Sundaravej 2019-06-30 15:17:38
my ArcadeSoundFT you have original sounds of the projectarcadescript and the bug of buttons is no longer, besides that you can choose an indeterminate number of sounds integrated in the script.
I can help you with that if you want
Kaito Shion 2019-07-01 05:30:48
Can I use without a shader?
João Gabriel 2020-09-22 04:04:11