
投稿者: Kaito Shion 投稿日: 2018-12-05 04:14:59 DL数: 2570
Hello, this mod makes the sound of the notes almost the same as Project DIVA Arcade.
Script used and edited by me:SEChangeMod_Source script/6a545256d023bd5ad932e0add3635d9e
Script Made by: たまごふらい user/akstn37
The script was not done by me but the only thing I did was edit it and put my sounds. copyright to its creator user/akstn37

If the sound is heard too low activate the default volume option or turn up the volume by pressing triangle or circle
If your PC does not support the Slider effect it deactivates the effect in the options

Ver ~~ 0.7.5
New Chainslider sound
has the slider effect
New slider sound
slider sound
Failed slider sound

Ver ~~ 0.7.6
New Slider Effect HD [Thanks CorellRoy for the effect]
now available in non-shaders


Relase new beta version

Ver 0.8.0 ß
-Added the following settings
Button Sounds
Slider Sounds
ChainSlider Sounds
Max Slider Sounds
each one has to choose between two sounds
-soon new sounds

Ver 0.9.8
-Discover it

Ver 1.5.0

Script/Mod の情報

バージョン 1.5.0

I like this mod :)
kogaball999 2019-07-15 20:05:00
Could you add blue slider in it?
syam shangajy 2022-08-09 01:33:34