world.execute(me); [Remake]

投稿者: Kazoo King 投稿日: 2023-11-07 01:49:04 DL数: 98 評価: 5(2)
Song/曲名: world.execute(me); by Mili

I originally made this song back in 2021 ( I always thought it was fun but the layout was amazing in some places and super boring in other places. So I gave the chart a bit of a layout facelift! I kept the structure of the -slightly insane- original chart the same, even though I would not have charted it like that if I truly started from scratch. I like the new version more, even though the final bit actually somehow grew *more* chaotic, so I hope you will enjoy it too.

Difficulty/難易度: Extreme ☆9.0.

CSInput included.
CSInput が含まれています。



順位 プレイヤー スコア リプレイ


