Party Junkie (UPDATED)

投稿者: Henttus 投稿日: 2017-02-24 00:20:28 DL数: 388 評価: 3.5(4)
タグ: 【編集】
Hello again everybody in PPD, this time i bring Party Junkie to the party.... eh get it party?no, ok il stop XD
Welp hope you like it <3
and Enjoy<3
Update: BPM changed from 131 to 130
Update 2: Fixed the timing for this song
Score Preview:

Next song: Let's say the P names


順位 プレイヤー スコア リプレイ




BPM seems to be 130.
It's hard to play because the tempo is strange.
真咲さん 2017-02-24 01:44:09
#Shadow The Hedgehog Maybe one day il do a hard difficulty
Henttus 2017-03-05 01:44:32
130 bpm is correct but the timing is still wrong

please fix 16th off beat which you were doing for the wrong tempo by brute force
like this
HYODO_P 2019-01-13 01:04:22
Needs a hard version,can't play extreme very well,timing's strange.
Shadow The Hedgehog 2017-03-05 01:09:40