お気に召すまま - [As You Like It] - Eve

投稿者: Allegro 投稿日: 2019-01-22 00:45:15 DL数: 408 評価: 3.43(7)
タグ: 【編集】
Song: お気に召すまま (Oki ni Mesu mama) [As You Like It] by Eve
Difficulty: ☆9 EXTREME
I've always loved Eve's songs and wished the song was in this rhythm game system. Always felt like it'd be fun to play. I hope you enjoy.


順位 プレイヤー スコア リプレイ




Some part is hard to see
Miranda 2020-05-01 07:18:50
Enjoyable score
taoreru13 2020-07-14 01:57:23
I love a ton of your charts, but this one is kinda wacky? It's a lot of slides that don't quite match with the song, so it's not as fun to play.
豊聡ミーム 2022-04-19 09:49:53