Heart Forecast

投稿者: Wodra Regon 投稿日: 2024-02-15 10:47:00 DL数: 50 評価: レビューがありません
Heart Forecast by Eve
Difficulty 8☆
CSinput included!
Happy Valentine's Day!
This one was done in 2 days because I forgot that Valentine's Day was coming until the 13th but I wanted to get this one out somewhat on time. I think it came out pretty well! First time I worked that fast on a chart. Had to reinstall my game since the update broke my old game so no showcase video until I get everything set up again. Hopefully I can get that video ready soon.

Update: Video Made! here you go-
Chart Showcase:

Credit again to Siteswap's DSCtoPPD converter for helping me port the chart. I will always credit it every time I use it!

Thank you for playing!


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