MASHLE: Magic and Muscles OP 2 (Bling-Bang-Bang-Born)

投稿者: Wodra Regon 投稿日: 2024-02-26 12:58:37 DL数: 74 評価: 5(1)
Mashle: Magic and Muscles OP 2 (Bling-Bang-Bang-Born OP ver) by Creepy Nuts
Difficulty 9.5☆
CSinput Included!

This song kept showing up on my feed. I haven't even watched the anime yet but I caught my attention. It is REALLY catchy. Gave my shot at charting it. Man it was hard trying to find space for things with how rhythm heavy the verses are but I had fun charting this none the less.

No demo video for this one because I don't trust uploading a video with an anime op in it.

Below is the google drive link to the video for the chart. Includes 720p and 1080p for your choosing. I am doing this just in case anyone has trouble getting the video. Anime related stuff tends to have complications with region locking videos or videos going down. Let me know if the drive link doesn't give you access to the video so I can fix it.

Special Thanks to Siteswap and their DSCtoPPD tool.


順位 プレイヤー スコア リプレイ


