A different song recognition algorithm for multiplayer

It seems like when you want to play in multiplayer. PPD only use folder names to determine if you've got the song chosen by the "room master". But if two people have the song, but one of theses changed the name folder, PPD doesn't recognize the song.
Is it possible to fix this please?
作成日時:2013-07-13 17:33:47 更新日時:2013-07-13 17:33:47
A wild non japanese player appears !

Re: A different song recognition algorithm for multiplayer

No, PPDMulti doesn't recognize songs by "Folder Name" but hash of score file(*.ppd)
So, if you are said "you don't have score", it is because the hash is not matched in all score which you have.
You can resolve this by updating scores.
作成日時:2013-07-13 18:16:54 更新日時:2013-07-13 18:16:54