It appears that many people encounter slowdowns / lag playing the new PPD V0.8xx version
Upon further inspections, I have a vague idea of what is causing the bug. It is indeed (kinda) related to the drivers.
Also I'm curious, has anyone reported lag issue with a AMD card ? (My guess is no)
I haven't started to reverse engineering the code cause quite frankly I don't have THAT much free time.
But if I were KHCMaster, I'd look at the files in the source code using the nvd3dumx.dll library, because that's the guilty one on my side. @KHCMaster I'd be happy to discuss about development and such.
But enough chit chat, here's two fixes for you :
SOLUTION 1 : If you're using a laptop with optimus, just set PPD.exe to use your (Intel) Discrete Graphic card instead of your Nvidia GPU (it might work too with AMD if they got problems with it too)
SOLUTION 2 (dirtyFix) : Ok so here's a dirty fix that should work for everyone with a nvidia card at least, (I can't tell what lib to disable for amd as I'm in green team, contact me if you got lag with amd cards I might help you)
We're gonna write a script that will temporarily rename (and so prevent from being loaded) the guilty nvd3dumx.dll .Please keep in mind that this should be a temporary fix !!! Do not rename or remove this file once and for all !!! Other programs might use it !!!!
So here's how to write the magic script:
1) Open Notepad and create a file named DirtyFix.bat in PPD directory (make sure that your explorer shows up files extensions otherwise you might end up creating a file DirtyFix.bat.txt, I let you google how to do that)
2) In this file Copy-Paste the following lines:
@echo off
rename C:\Windows\System32\nvd3dumx.dll nvd3dumx.dll.back
start /wait PPD.exe
rename C:\Windows\System32\nvd3dumx.dll.back nvd3dumx.dll
echo Everything went fine :D.
echo Hope you Enjoyed the game
sleep 3
3) Save the file, and double click on it. It should open up a black command line window. DO NOT CLOSE IT ! All it will do is rename the nvd3dumx.dll, launch PPD then wait for it stop, rename nvd3dumx.dll back to its original name, and finally print a message to let you know that everything went fine. So if your PC crashes/restart/etc during gameplay. Please go check by yourself in the C:\Windows\System32\ that there is a nvd3dumx.dll, if not there should be a nvd3dumx.dll.back, just rename it to nvd3dumx.dll and everything will be fine.
4) Enjoy ! If double clicking on the DirtyFix.bat only open notepad, it is because your OS is hiding file extensions and you actually created a file named DirtyFix.bat.txt. (Google "how to enable extensions in explorer" for your OS and rename the file correctly).
With those fixes I jumped from 50 in main menu and 30->60 in game with shader and AA disabled, to stable 60 at anytime with shader and AA*4.
Please, give feedback if this script helped you (or not) to fix PPD, this might help KHC to locate the problem, and fix it faster.
作成日時:2016-08-04 22:03:39 更新日時:2016-08-04 22:03:39
A wild non japanese player appears !