
i can't uploud my score. any help here
作成日時:2016-07-05 23:51:11 更新日時:2016-07-05 23:51:11

Re: anybody

Speedy Zooba
Go to "My Page" and select "Your Score" tab.
Click on the "Upload Score" button on the top right.
Write your score's name, description, upload your score's files and paste an URL for the target movie.

Before you upload a score, don't forget to make sure;
-It's compressed in 7z. format.
-It was created using PPD Editor.
-Folder's hierarchical isn't changed or else upload will be failed.
-It's not a copy or a similiar score or else it will be deleted.
作成日時:2016-07-07 00:38:41 更新日時:2016-07-07 00:46:34