[tuto] How to workaround laggy/desynchronised/freezing video

It seems to be a common case with PPD. Every time I install PPD on someone PC, I find myself struggling with video delay/lag/freezing on high res movies, and it quickly becomes unplayable, even on powerful PC.
Hopefully, I found a way to fix this for every single PC. Even on my slow core i3, I can play PPD with 1080p movies without a problem. So I'm sharing this "fix"/workaround with you guys, so you can play with a lag free PPD. Basically, all you've got to do is to cap your fps. How to do so?

1/ I assume you've got ffdshow installed, and you followed the instructions given by the installer: http://projectdxxx.me/forum/thread/id/135
Just to be sure, everything is installed fine, when you play a movie in PPD, two FF icons should be in your task bar. If they're not here, please reinstall ffdshow ( http://codecguide.com/download_k-lite_codec_pack_full.htm ) and follow the instruction given by the installer.

2/ Go in the windows start menu, and launch "ffdshow video decoder (x64)" or "ffdshow video decoder" (depending if you run on a 64bits OS or not).
In the left Column, Click on Codec-> set the decoder for the H.264 on "libavcodec", and also check the box at the bottom saying "skip deblocking when safe". And set the decoder for VC-1 on wmv9.

3/ Download Dxtory, here http://dxtory.com/v2-download-en.html
Launch it, minimize it. Then launch PPD.
Go back to Dxtory, select at the top the PPD.exe profile. Click on the 8th tab (the processor picture). Check the "Limit Video FPS" box and set its value to 59.
Click on the 2th tab (the screen picture), and uncheck "Video FPS".
Then Exit Dxtory, and PPD

4/ Launch PPDConfig.exe, be sure that movie draw method is set to VMR9

5/ And you're ready to go ... well almost.
All you've got to do, is to launch Dxtory every time you want to play PPD... Yeah I know painful. But here's the solution to do it automatically. Open notepad, create a new file and copy that:

@echo off
cd "C:\outils\Dxtory Software\Dxtory2.0\"
start /min Dxtory.exe
cd "C:\jeux\Project Project Dxxx\PPD"
taskkill /f /IM Dxtory.exe

But be sure to change the 2 lines beginning with cd, the first one should be like
cd "path of the dxtory repertory"
and the second one
cd "path of PPD"
(also depending on your region you may see a "Yen symbol" instead of "backslash symbol" on the script above, be careful)
Then save that file under the name "PPDLauncher.bat" (yes .bat, not PPDLauncher.bat.txt otherwise you won't be able to launch it).

Launch that PPDLauncher.bat, and have fun. It will automatically launch PPD and Dxtory and close Dxtory when you'll exit the PPD.

Note: if you're using windows 8. The .bat may not end correctly, not killing the Dxtory process... Because shenanigans... It's due to security bullsh***. So the solution I've come with is using an other program to kill the process. So I installed "process hacker" and replaced the "taskkill /f /IM Dxtory.exe" line by
cd "C:\outils\Process Hacker 2"
ProcessHacker.exe -c -ctype process -cobject Dxtory.exe -caction terminate
Of course you'll need to change the cd "C:\outils\Process Hacker 2" part according to your system/where you installed process hacker

Enjoy your lag free PPD. If that helped you (or not), you've got any questions, please let me know

PS: KHCMaster, It could help anyone, how can I post in the two sections (english and japanese) ?
作成日時:2013-05-26 06:07:05 更新日時:2014-10-16 21:37:48
A wild non japanese player appears !

Re: [tuto] How to workaround laggy/desynchronised/freezing video

Before I do all of this, do you know if Windows 8 has the same Windows 7 inherent problem or not? Do you know what would be the same or different between the two? I did not use the Windows 7 fix because I don't know if it would apply to Windows 8.

I also have a desynchronized video issue with most high quality videos, so I have to play PPD songs with a lower quality video to have the music and video in sync.

P.S. To post in the Japanese forum, I think you just change the language in the upper right corner and it will take you there. Now the only thing you have to do is translate.
作成日時:2013-05-27 09:58:47 更新日時:2013-05-27 10:01:34

Re: [tuto] How to workaround laggy/desynchronised/freezing video

I don't have win8 so I can't assure that you must do it, but I think it's still necessary. Also one of my friend, follow the steps I given to him and get PPD working fine on hist win8 PC with this fix, but he didn't even tried to skip the "Windows7 inherent problem" steps ^^". It doesn't cost anything to try anyway. Please, if you try without those steps, and post a feedback, just to let us know if it's still necessary.

There is an "easy" way to determine if you've got to apply this fix,
In the "ffdshow video decoderconfiguration" go on the OSD (On Screen Display) section (also, check the box in the left column to activate it), set the vertical position to 50%, and enable the video delay.
This way when you'll play a movie a line should be displayed indicating your "video delay" time (it is the the timing delay between audio and video). If it's not constantly at 0, there is a problem and you should definitely try to use my fix (you can tolerate some minor video delay peak as long as it comes back very quickly to 0).
To test, I highly recommend you to play: Tell your world (in 1080p); http://projectdxxx.me/score/index/id/56062f1e40ddd44cfc1ece5798aa78ef
or 積乱雲グラフィティ / sekiranun graffiti; http://projectdxxx.me/score/index/id/5c62ad549bb513ff06403df918c80740
wich strangely is not at all a high def movie, but without the fix I easily get a 20 seconds! movie delay, don't ask me why ^^".
Ow, and when you finished the test, don't forget to desactivate the OSD feature in "ffdshow video decoder configuration" to get rid of that line.

ps: thanks for the advice, but I don't like the idea of making duplicated thread ^^", maybe there is a way for KHCMaster to get a thread in both section, something like a "sticky thread".
作成日時:2013-05-27 17:21:36 更新日時:2013-05-27 17:23:50
A wild non japanese player appears !

Re: [tuto] How to workaround laggy/desynchronised/freezing video

I've found out that I'm not using the ffdshow decoder, so I've installed it, and then freezes PPD each time a video is trying to be played with ffdshow. (._.)

So I'm trying the steps with the Windows 7 problem to have ffdshow work. I will edit the post when I get results.

EDIT: ffdshow seems to work much better than Microsoft decoders. In some movies ffdshow corrects the video delay every few seconds while with some movies they do not. The delay is still big enough to notice, so I will try your fix

EDIT: The movies are on sync now, I never thought a fix would be so easy. Well done and thank you!
作成日時:2013-05-28 07:56:59 更新日時:2013-05-28 15:45:11

PPD File not "playing"

So I am new here and I don`t know How to run the files (I mean how do you play them)
作成日時:2015-07-04 10:01:28 更新日時:2015-07-04 10:01:28