How to measure BPM

My friend usually find or measure BPM but he stopped doing it for me. Is there a program that helps? Any help is appreciated.
作成日時:2015-10-01 12:08:01 更新日時:2015-10-01 12:08:01

Re: How to measure BPM in PPDEditor Help?!

There are many programs, but I think the most used for Project Diva (either PDP or PPD) is MixMeister. Anyways, in the "Show" section of PPD there is a tool called "BPMMeasure" that can be useful too if you want to get the BPM of a song/movie.
作成日時:2018-08-18 11:42:39 更新日時:2018-08-18 11:42:39

Re: How to measure BPM in PPDEditor Help?!

Tambien con osu en la creacion de mapas solo poner el mp3 de lña cancion y te pide que presiones t al ritmos de la cancion lugo de eso te saca el bpm
作成日時:2018-08-19 12:47:51 更新日時:2018-08-19 12:47:51