Multiple control configurations (on the same controller) and quick switch function

Could this be possible to have a function to switch between different control configurations? Because there is a lot of notecharts wich doesn't use arrows, so it will be nice to a configuration where the d pad validate symbols, and switch back to the normal configuration when notecharts uses arrows, and for some notecharts it would be nice to be able to switch to a arcade style configuration. Anyways, would it be possible to add this feature?
We'd register multiple configurations and switch between them (a popup screen like those used to indicate point/level up, would tell us our current configuration)
We'll switch between profiles by pressing Escape+L/Escape+R, or Start+L/Start+R (in the menu or even in the game)

Right now, I'm writing a glovePIE script to obtain this result. But I've got some troubles. I'll post it there if I succeed to write it.

ps: I cool down with request, I promise :p
作成日時:2013-04-30 20:38:36 更新日時:2013-04-30 20:38:36
A wild non japanese player appears !

Re: Multiple control configurations (on the same controller) and quick switch function

OK, I will add function to switch key/button configurations automatically by notecharts. Please wait for implementing this.
作成日時:2013-04-30 23:14:33 更新日時:2013-04-30 23:14:33

Re: Multiple control configurations (on the same controller) and quick switch function

I didn't asked for an automatic function. I'd like to be able to switch between profiles by myself. I don't think it should be automatic, because let's say you want to play a "no arrows" notechart and that you've got three configurations:
_ normal configuration
_ no arrow configuration ( the zqsd/wasd and uhjk keys both validate triangle,square,cross,circle )
_ arcade configuration ( q validate triangle, d validate square, h validate cross, k validate circle)

How would the program automatically choose between the "no arrow" and the "arcade" configuration?
作成日時:2013-04-30 23:21:36 更新日時:2013-04-30 23:50:07
A wild non japanese player appears !

Re: Multiple control configurations (on the same controller) and quick switch function

I think two configurations are enough.
"no arrow configuration" is not implemented in PPD, and will never be supported. (This is due to long note release problem)

In PPD, there is an arcade flag in score(*.ppd), so the program can choose which is better.

If you want to change a configuration in game by yourself, there must be more keys/buttons which are configurable in KeyConfiger.exe. It's because current all keys/buttons are used and reserved to use in game.
作成日時:2013-05-01 00:05:15 更新日時:2013-05-01 00:05:15

Re: Multiple control configurations (on the same controller) and quick switch function

Well I don't really understand why a "no arrow" configuration couldn't exist.
When I said "no arrow" configuration, I didn't ask for a PSP configuration where you could validate arrow by pressing an arrow+a symbol (I understand why such a configuration is impossible).
But what I want to achieve with the "no arrow" configuration is to be able to validate symbols with boths d-pad and symbols. And if I actually have to validate arrows, well ... I shouldn't have choose the "no arrow" configuration, my bad. I'll select an other configuration for my next try.

Also this was just an example people may want to have more than those 3 configurations.
作成日時:2013-05-01 00:34:23 更新日時:2013-05-01 00:34:23
A wild non japanese player appears !