Score Demand Page/Thread/Improvement/Something?

I think there should be a Score demand thread, or like that. There is a HUUUUUGE lack o songs there should be in PPD. Let's take like an example Luka's "Double Lariat" (that's why I'm working on it by myself -_-").

Actually, the reason why I create this thread on the Demand forum is that ALL SCORE NAMES are in japanese, excepting songs which title can't be translated (f.e., Luka's DYE). It's okay if all songs have their respective names written in Japanese, but at least write them in Roomaji too. It's a butthurt to search for an Online Japanese Keyboard/alternate between keyboards you've installed on your PC just to search a score! Oh, and sometimes it doesn't even find them. I searched for Paradichlorobenzene to download the .zip again (I had some problems installing it, but now is OK) and it didn't find it. I know how to write it in japanese, so that wasn't the problem (I checked even on some wikis).

So, summarizing, my demand is:
-Score demand thread/page/list
-Score names written in Japanese AND English (or at least in Roomaji)
-Improve the webpage searching tool
作成日時:2014-11-12 05:02:29 更新日時:2014-11-12 05:06:59