FPS cap function

I noticed that on all the PC I've used to play PPD, there is a weird bug causing the video and the sound to be desynchronised or the video to stutter depending of what renderer you use. It can hapens on 1080p or even 360p video, so it's not due to low specs. The drivers was correctly set too.
But anyways, I found a way to fix it by using the fps cap function of DXTory (set to 59fps) and setting the renderer to VMR9. But it would be nice if there was some fps cap function included in PPD, so that people who encounter the bug would not have to install and start DXTory everytime they want to play PPD.
(@KHCMaster, I've already emailed you more precisely about that. I post there mainly to help people to fix this bug with the DXTory workaround, waiting for a better solution)

Just for information, if you encounter the bug you can use some .bat script to launch PPD and DXTory automaticaly, and kill DXTory when you quit PPD. Here's my launcher.bat file (a .bat file is a DOS script you don't have to install anything to use it, just create a launcher.bat file, edit it with notepad and copy paste the script into it) . Of course change the adresses if you want to use it:

@echo off
cd "C:\outils\Dxtory Software\Dxtory2.0\"
start /min Dxtory.exe
cd "C:\jeux\Project Project Dxxx\PPD"
taskkill /f /IM Dxtory.exe

PS: the backslash symbols in the script appears to be a yen symbol on my computer, probably due to the character set used by the forum.
作成日時:2013-04-30 18:12:17 更新日時:2013-04-30 23:45:19
A wild non japanese player appears !