Someone PLEASE help me!!! I downloaded a mod for ps4 ft skins, put it in my mods folder, enabled the mod in game (in the menu after pressing square) and it doesnt work!!! I tried it with another skin mod and nothing again, I tried using both and nothing again, and every song says it supports both mods so thats not the problem as well. someone PLEASE help me, the normal skin is so ugly... I'll be forever grateful!!!!
okay i just did that and nothing... this is exactly what i did: 1: installed the game 2: installed the songs and the ps4 skin 3: placed the skin in the mod folder 4: before playing the song, i pressed square and checked the ps4 skin mod and it just doesnt enable!!!! do you have any other ideas as to why this is happening?
have you tried downloading these two (three) and put them in the mod folder? Some mods/skins dosn't work without having the first one activated.
1) (Useful for a lot of skins/mods) 2) (i use this....) 3) PS4 skin (dosn't work without (1))