[Target]PPD [x86 or x64] x64 [Windows OS] Windows 10 [Content] PPD fails to initialize. Error shown:
Failed to check assembly. Please re-install PPD by latest PPDInstaller.: x64\SQLite.Interdrop.dll: file not found skins\GalaSoft.MvvnLight.dll: file not found skins\GalaSoft.MvvnLight.Extras.dll: file not found skins\Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.dll: file not found skins\PPDModSettingsUI.dll: file not found skins\PPDMulti.dll: file not found skins\PPDMultiCommon.dll: file not found skins\PPDMultiServer.dll: file not found skins\PPDSingle.dll: file not found skins\System.WIndows.Interactivity.dll: file not found
I have re installed PPD 3 times, and the problem is still there. [error.log exists] no. [What you did before error] Tried to open PPD. [PPD.ini] [multisample]0 [d3d]0 [adjustgaptime]0.017 [coolarea]0.04 [goodarea]0.08 [safearea]0.12 [sadarea]0.15 [fontname]IPAGothic [fontweight]400 [fontsize]30 [skinname]PPDDefaultSkin [mastervolume]0 [username] [width]800 [height]450 [movielatency]0 [movieplaytype]0 [token] [tokensecret] [movieextensions]mp4;flv;avi;wmv;mkv;divx;mov;ogv;webm [Language]en [musicextensions]wav;mp3;ogg;flac;aac [textboxdisabled]0 [drawsamecoloratsametimingdisabled]0 [fullscreen]0 [asyncloaddisabled]0 [allowedtousemuchmemory]0 [drawconnectunderallmark]0 [autoadjustlatencydisabled]1