UI skins

I remember a long time ago before I deleted PPD (due to an issue, redownloading it seemed to fix the issue) I had an "exodus skin" which made the game's UI look and feel way neater.

https://www.blogger.com/blogin.g?blogspotURL=http://project1879.blogspot.com/2018/01/menu-skin-ac-reborn-last-ver.html (the skin)
the original owner deleted their blog and I can't find any other UI skins. I really miss it lol. Can anyone who has it share their files with me so I can get it again?
作成日時:2020-03-20 06:52:49 更新日時:2020-03-20 06:52:49

Re: UI skins

Hi, i dont have the skin exodus, but thye page was reuploaded, here the link:
Exodus skin:
pag general:http://project1879.blogspot.com/







I hope i will help you

(sorry for my bad english).
And wash your hands XD.
作成日時:2020-05-29 09:47:43 更新日時:2020-05-29 09:49:41